10:00 AM - 10:30 AM (PDT)
Drive Productivity and Value for Your HR Teams

Despite incredible new technological advances, HR teams still suffer from familiar pain points: manual paperwork, inefficient workstreams and an ever-increasing scope of responsibilities. These pains are even more burdensome for small and medium-sized businesses because there is often only a small handful of people managing all HR-related tasks.

To solve this problem, the first step is to identify technologies that can simplify common HR tasks. These modern tools can digitize and automate manual steps, eliminating much of the pain associated with redundant work. Join our upcoming session to learn how DocuSign can seamlessly integrate with core technologies in your technology stack to accelerate HR workflows. This session will explore how technology can

  • Simplify the hiring and candidate experience in a tight labor market
  • Improve the onboarding process for new employees
  • Eliminate time-consuming manual tasks for current employees
Tim Britten - Docusign
Jade Shoppell - DocuSign
Jade Shoppell
SMB Track